How are temperature and humidity measured by data loggers?

Temperature and humidity are measured by sensors in data loggers. These sensors can vary depending on the type of data logger being used.

For temperature measurement, thermistors or thermocouples are commonly used. Thermistors work by measuring the resistance of a material, which changes with temperature. Thermocouples, on the other hand, work by measuring the voltage generated by two different metals that are joined together. The voltage produced is proportional to the temperature difference between the junction of the metals and the other end of the thermocouple.

For humidity measurement, there are two common types of sensors used: capacitive and resistive. Capacitive sensors work by measuring the change in capacitance caused by the change in humidity. Resistive sensors work by measuring the change in resistance of a material caused by the change in humidity.

Data loggers can also be equipped with additional sensors, such as light sensors for measuring exposure to light or shock sensors for measuring impacts or vibrations.

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