What is the role of the service provider in a mapping exercise?

A service provider plays an essential role in a cold chain mapping exercise as they are responsible for conducting the mapping exercise and providing a detailed report with recommendations to improve the cold chain’s performance.

The service provider’s role includes:

Planning: The service provider will plan the mapping exercise, including identifying the locations to be mapped, selecting the appropriate data loggers, and determining the mapping duration and frequency.

Data collection: The service provider will install the data loggers in the designated locations and monitor and record the temperature and environmental conditions at regular intervals.

Data analysis: The service provider will analyze the data collected by the data loggers and use it to create temperature maps and identify temperature hotspots.

Reporting: The service provider will prepare a detailed report summarizing the findings of the mapping exercise, including recommendations for improving the cold chain’s performance.

Follow-up: The service provider may also provide follow-up support to help the cold chain implement the recommended changes to improve its performance.

In summary, the service provider’s role is to conduct a thorough mapping exercise and provide insights and recommendations to optimize the cold chain’s performance and ensure the safety and efficacy of the products being transported.

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